alternative press is go!

hello to everyone finding this site for the first time via the article which appears in the brand new issue of alternative press . if you haven’t checked out AP, you really should: it’s a cool magazine and the latest issue features “100 bands you need to know.” the article on ZB appears on page 51 in the “AP style” section and features my glorious ugly mug in living color. it’s a great interview, but i think i may have alienated a good 2/3rds of the readership when i dissed “emo haircuts” and “douchebag shirts.” when i opened the magazine all i saw were emo haircuts and douchebag shirts! ah well. if you’re too lazy to go to the magazine store, click on the pic below for a full sized scan:

and in all seriousness, you should check out alternative press when you get a chance, it’s a great mag. happy tuesday!

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