prep, jock, or stoner?

prep, jock, or stoner?

remember when the world was a simpler place and everyone fit neatly into some easy-to-define pigeonhole? back in those days there wasn’t a lot of crossover- you were either one thing or another. the punks thought the metalheads were stupid, the “preppies” thought they were better than everyone else and the jocks were a roving…



this year is getting off to a “bang” with more new shirts posted today: killbots 2 , an orange & yellow variation on keeley ‘s badass robots. this was actually the first version of this design that i printed large on the bottom of the shirt: the original print had the little metal dudes smaller…


some old sh*t

so this was moving week for me, and as i was going through some old stuff i chanced upon a few shirts i had forgotten about. so i’ve posted them on the site for your edification: sundown (black and red XL t-shirts, only a handful of these left), an XL asphalt girly the fall of…