i’m krushing your head…..
friday, folks. krushbot is coming for you. one week only. only 2 days left to preorder speaking of ! git it while it’s gutte.
friday, folks. krushbot is coming for you. one week only. only 2 days left to preorder speaking of ! git it while it’s gutte.
today is truly a great day for zbq. for starters, it’s moving day: we’re finally moving into our new digs, and i couldn’t be more excited. not only is it within easy biking distance of my apartment, it’s got cool checkerboard tile floors, plenty of sunlight and will even have a little storefront! considering our…
i always get a little excited when i post brand new shirt designs. this shirt in particular, however, i am quite worked up about: it was created by one of halifax’s most well-known and productive graffitti artists, deza, and is kind of a landmark print for us. fast times is the widest print we’ve ever…
just topped up stock in deadphones – there are now a ton of tan t-shirts (including some 2x and 3x), some black tees and one (yes, one) white/navy baseball shirt. the above photo of a deadphones -wearing cardboard box was submitted by zb superfan alex chittock on our facebook group . you know how easy…
remember when the world was a simpler place and everyone fit neatly into some easy-to-define pigeonhole? back in those days there wasn’t a lot of crossover- you were either one thing or another. the punks thought the metalheads were stupid, the “preppies” thought they were better than everyone else and the jocks were a roving…
do you know what day it is today children? it’s new shirt day at zbq, that’s what. today i’m very pleased to be posting a brand new shirt design, one that i’ve been planning to print for a very long time. per is an original piece of artwork created by our good friend thesis sahib,…
this year is getting off to a “bang” with more new shirts posted today: killbots 2 , an orange & yellow variation on keeley ‘s badass robots. this was actually the first version of this design that i printed large on the bottom of the shirt: the original print had the little metal dudes smaller…
howdy and happy thursday evening to you. as promised, i have posted 2 new prints today: wired blind and motherhood (white) . well, newish anyway. motherhood (white) is another variation on motherhood , and wired blind is a variation on jade starr , a la neon yellow. actually the title for wired blind came from…
well that only took forever. a little while ago i decided to print about 600 shirts for the site, spruce the place up a bit with some minor updates & new features and eye candy. i figured i’d have it all wrapped up in 2, maybe 3 weeks. only thing is, it took me 2…
so this was moving week for me, and as i was going through some old stuff i chanced upon a few shirts i had forgotten about. so i’ve posted them on the site for your edification: sundown (black and red XL t-shirts, only a handful of these left), an XL asphalt girly the fall of…