juleye candy

juleye candy

that time has come again, and as the seasons turn, so must the rotation of designs available for order. doesn’t sound too poetic, does it? i’m-a shut my yap now and let the pictures do the talking. unfortunately there are no brand new designs this time around. but we have brought back some goodness from…

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contest time

well it’s about time i got back to having contests on this site. time was, oh lessee, way back round about 2003/2004, i used to have a monthly contest on the site and give away shirts right, center and left. well those glory days of yonder time are back! starting today, i will make it…


sassy new pictures

hey everybody. i’ve just posted a bunch of new photos to the visualiser . click on the pictures to go directly to that t-shirt. first of all, kevin carroll from a digital cure sent us some very nice pics recently. i’m hoping to get some more flicks from mr. carroll soon, and when i do…