
don’t be so stinghe

i don’t know from photography, but, as the old saying goes, “i know what i like.” and i like nico stinghe’s photography very, very much. nico has been producing his surreal, gritty yet glamorous work from his home in montreal for several years now, and it never fails to shock, tittilate and inspire. he was behind one of our most controversial prints, montreal , and has collaborated with me on 2 new prints which will be available on zbq shirts in the very near future. for now, i’m happy to present a new set of his work in LOVECATS . and if you’re like me and you just can’t seem to get enough nico, be sure to check out his web site at anothersidewalk.tv and follow the links to his blog and eerie youtube videos. tres bon!

i’d like to give a quick shout-out to a new shirt blog i just discovered, by way of their discovering me: t-shirt connoisseur . it’s short and to the point, and the writer seems to have good taste in shirts (well, obviously). i’ve added it to our brand new blog roll which can be found to the right if you scroll up a bit. if you’ve got a blog about t-shirts, art or other wacky/cool/interesting topics you’d like to have added to the roll, drop me a line . les nouveaux boutons venant bientôt, mes amis!!

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