Food Chain M white cap sleeve raglan FOCH12
Food Chain by Thom Larsen on a M whiteblack cap sleeve raglan. Printed August 2010.

Click image for more information. Click here to bid on this shirt.
Food Chain by Thom Larsen on a M whiteblack cap sleeve raglan. Printed August 2010.
Click image for more information. Click here to bid on this shirt.
good day, kidlets! i’m happy to announce that at long last, we now have a working affiliate program on this web site. i attempted something like this a few years ago, but it wasn’t very well designed. this is simple and robust- no forms to fill out or personal information to divulge. you simply add…
front2 (4) , originally uploaded by zeebeekyoo . Spiral Stairs on a medium red/yellow capsleeved raglan.Flickr Gallery
When I re-launched this web site last week, I had a hard time deciding how to set the prices. The shirts, particularly the new ladies’ shirts, are expensive and time-consuming to produce. Many of them take well over an hour to create. So it’s a tough call. I have already heard from people who say…
Today’s shirt o’ the day is a medium tall baseball shirt featuring the “Blondes and Brunettes” print by Thom Phoenix. 38 inch chest, 27 inch height. Shirt AD23. All orders ship within 24 hours, and if you order more than one item, shipping on the second and third items is much, much cheaper.
Never one to resist the opportunity to continuously muck things up, I`ve decided to change how things work on the site again. I was starting to find it a bit unwieldy having a larger number of shirts on the site and was a little overwhelmed at the prospect of adding another 74 that I just…