A little makeover……

A little makeover……

Well, you may have noticed a few changes happening around here. First and probably most noticeable of those changes is the funky new colour scheme of the site. While the grey was cool and subdued, it was getting to be a little drab and I think that a splash of colour adds a lot of…



Building a web site is very time consuming. Maintaining said web site takes up even more time and energy. And if you are talking about an online store, it can be nearly a full time job. Preparing all of the graphics and product information, entering all of that information into a database and uploading files,…

Some shirts

Some shirts

Here are some new-ish shirts. Some are shirts I already had that I’ve been messing about with. Aibonoid by Hutch on a v-neck tank top. hutchpiece.co.uk Tug by Thom Phoenix on an asphalt t-shirt. I’ll be printing more of these soon. Carbot by Slawek Kasolka on a v-neck. Hutch/Steven Charles Schmidt mash-up. Mash-ups are fun…

Claudio Parentela

Claudio Parentela

One of my favorite artists to have had the pleasure of working with over the last few years is Italy’s Claudio Parentela. When I first encountered his work several years ago his stuff was primarily black and white drawings made with marker- raw, blunt, almost childish images from the subconscious. As time went on he…



I wonder how many people actually noticed that under my “30 shirts in 30 days” post I had a cute picture of a bunch of shirts. How many shirts? 29 of them! Not 30. So since I’m a little slow on the uptake at times, I only noticed that this afternoon. Figured out which shirt…

30 shirts, 30 days

30 shirts, 30 days

Never one to resist the opportunity to continuously muck things up, I`ve decided to change how things work on the site again. I was starting to find it a bit unwieldy having a larger number of shirts on the site and was a little overwhelmed at the prospect of adding another 74 that I just…